Thursday, November 13, 2014

What Makes An Over 50 Woman Sexy

What makes an over 50 woman sexy? I fell asleep the other night wondering this, having contemplated the subtle erosion of the various bodily bits which supposedly evoke sexual urges.

But before I launch into my exegesis, I must make a minor (and defensive) detour and query the same about over 50 men. What do we find sexy about Jeremy Irons or Clint Eastwood? Isn't is their self-assurance? Their ease? Why is it considered that they look great when their hair turns silver and lines define their face, yet this doesn't apply to women? I know, this is a huge topic and a bit of an old saw, and frankly I'm really bored by it, as any self respecting woman of our generation should be, and yet the imbalance does persist. (Oh yes, I forgot -- and how could I, given contemporary media -- we are sex objects.) I know... Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem did the mindful on our behalf, yet that did little for the Australopithecus brain of our male counterparts. Hello Ladies, we need to, as they say, represent.

Of course traditionally women of a certain age went and did strange things to their hair: dyed it too dark, or tinged it violet, or permed it, or waved it, or essentially made it look seriously goofy. I mean really, do the same to a man and he'll look ridiculous too. Then of course, over 50 women dames insisted on wearing too much jewelry and makeup and floral print silks or absurd matching outfits a la Queen Mum. So really, we've been doing it to ourselves for years.

But let's get down to the nitty gritty. What is it that makes an over 50 woman sexy? First of all, it's how a woman inhabits her body. No matter the size or shape -- is it her temple? Does she treasure it? Is she proud of it? Does she own it? A woman who owns her body, is just damn sexy. Every shape has its attendant curves and delights; a woman who knows how to display them just plain rocks. And let's not forget the structural elements, the bones, many of which, as the flesh shifts, gain more presence, more sculptural gravitas. Consider shoulders, consider hips, consider the back...
Add to that the way a woman moves her body, not simply in bed, but everywhere she goes. It's like a signature, maybe funny and abrupt, maybe languorous and full of grace. It's something every woman should contemplate -- how much is conveyed by the way she moves... well as by the sound of her voice. A cultivated female voice is something which only grows more alluring with age. Don't forget how much sex occurs in the dark. A resonant voice, a voice modulated for allure, a 'come hither' voice, can unbutton any psyche. A woman who has control over the tone, the inflection and the colors, can float you on the oscillations, on the waves of her voice. Yes... Cougars purrrrrrr.

But a voice is rudderless without a mind. What in fact is the sexiest part of anyone? The mind -- for that is what creates the context, spins the tale. Knowing when to stroke, when to resist, when to yield, when to quicken, when to slow... when to submit, when to dominate, when to make a sudden volte-face... And, let's banish any doubt -- an over 50 women mind, or shall we say a sophisticated mind, filled with experience and stories and years of observation, can knock a younger one out of the ring.

Then there are the eyes. The power that emanates can cause spontaneous combustion. And of course, the mouth. It can hunt with agility at any age, and again, years of experience make it a formidable adversary to any prey that it targets.

Ah, and then there is her hair. I was just about to descend into my down dog at yoga this morning when a friend, well into her 50s, strode by, her honey blonde hair radiating outward like that of a Botticelli nymph gone Electric Ladyland. This woman looks positively archetypal on a yoga mat; she slides into her poses like a serpent, then holds them like a Tantric Rodin. Truly, an inspiration to get on your mat. However, maybe you've clipped your locks short, like Michelle Williams short. Since I sport that look, I happen to find it kind of hot as well. First of all, it's a truly liberating style (absolutely no maintenance) but it also projects a sort of boyish quality -- which can lead to some obstreperous behavior in the bedroom.

Of course the historic 'refuge' of the over 50 woman is her style. Unquestionably some of the most wonderfully dressed females on the planet now are over 50. The reason is that they understand what works for them, what flatters them... so their style is unique, often above and beyond trends. And that is just plain sexy. Self-awareness is sexy.

But my favorite element is the laugh (which is of course linked to the voice). The way a woman laughs, how easily and how often, how hard she laughs, how lilting her laugh. Does she giggle, chuckle, chortle, guffaw; does she snort :)? To laugh is to open. As an English proverb states: "A maid that laughs is a maid half taken." Or as the dour St. John Chrysostom, an early Church Father, darkly opines: "Laughter does not seem to be a sin but it leads to sin."

And so let us laugh, Darlings, because the paramount quality that makes a woman sexy is her outlook on life. If she laughs without measure, you know she derives great joy from life, has the ability to transcend pain and grief and still find pleasure in the mere fact of her existence. And is this not the most appealing element of any human -- their ability to feel and express joy? To me, this is our single most captivating virtue and one which, in my mind at least, is infinitely sexy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Best Online Dating Websites for Over 50 Women
There are a variety of dating websites available to both general and specialist groups. Dating agencies like, Senior Match, Our Time, and eHarmony deal with thousands of profiles worldwide, hosting millions of members looking for love. Other online dating sites, like JDate, ChristianCafe,, Hispanic, Senior Yahoo Personals, and more, concentrate purely on a single religion, ethnicity, or age group. I would never advocate selecting just a single specialist dating site at first because you really are putting all your eggs in one basket, but if you don't find what you're looking for on a general dating site, a specialty dating site may be just what you need.

Most senior dating sites have security and privacy policies and those that don't are best avoided. A good dating site should vet their members and have policies within their terms of use allowing people to be removed or barred from the site for unreasonable behavior or misrepresentation. Any site you choose should have protective measures in place to ensure that members dating online will not face any serious annoyance when logged in. Some sites have data protection registrars and require a strict password system protecting accounts.

The very best senior dating sites will be aware particularly of women's issues when dating online and will have a positive policy allowing women members to block, without repercussions, those with whom they do not wish to communicate. There are some sites that penalize for blocking and we would never advocate you to use them.

Email should always be a private affair when dating online. The top dating sites usually keep your email within the site itself so that you have a protected inbox but messages are never transmitted to your real-world address. Instant messaging is increasingly seen as very important when dating online and allows instant communication with other members who are online at that time. This facilitates easy and private chats which can lead to positive relationship building.

Not all dating websites have chat rooms, but I see them as very useful for new daters and socialites who love to chat to many people at once. It is a good way of boosting your confidence and eliminating your nervousness about the "getting to know you" part of dating. The best sites allow you to use a different name in a chat room to your regular profile to maintain anonymity levels. The other communication feature we now see increasingly is voicemail. Apart from being able to communicate online it is very useful to be able to lave voice messages and listen too without ever giving out a real phone number.

Here are some key things to always keep in mind when attempting to use the Internet for romance:
  • Use a professional introduction agency or website -- one that has been established for at least 3 years
  • Use a website that specializes in Internet dating, not a dating service that is a part of a non-dating focused website
  • Use an agency or site that allows free profile registration for all members
  • Use an online service that allows you to post more than one photo for free
  • Use a dating services agency that has a secure ecommerce
  • Do not use completely free agencies as you don't often get top quality or secure services
  • Do find an online agency that offers email and messaging that are onsite
  • Don't use agencies that insist on sending emails to your own real-world inbox
  • The best Internet dating specialists offer you great customer service
  • Use an agency or site that is appealing and relaxed and suits your style
  • Don't go for an agency or website based solely on its advertising campaigns -- look for the best fit for you
  • Look for online agencies that provide detailed dating articles and advice
  • Make sure that the online agency includes their full address and phone number
  • International websites usually have the best variety of member profiles
  • Find an Internet agency that has customer service available to members
  • Use an agency that offers different methods of secure payment
  • Some of the best dating agencies allow payment in different currencies
  • It is essential that you can Browse & Find profiles for free
  • Make sure that the search facilities are fast and suit your style of searching
  • Be on the lookout for "free communication" weekends and free trials so you can try out different services before paying
  • Beware of les-than-reputable services that send fraudulent emails or messages posing as interested potential dates as a means of getting you to buy a membership
  • Research your potential dating agency or website on Internet message boards or via friends -- find out what others' experiences have been like with the service

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dating Over 50 Women: How to Stop “Broken Heart Syndrome” From Happening Over and Over Again

If you’re a woman over 50 who finds your heart broken by men over and over again, its time to get rid of them and begin to live a new life from now on.

Loretta was so tired of being disappointed by the men she was dating.  After finding each other online, she met Patrick at a bar for their first date. They’d spend hours laughing on the phone and had such a good time together.
They had a couple of great dates and then… the red flags started popping up everywhere about this man, and the great dating relationship she thought she had began to sour.

Loretta was so frustrated and tired of dating men who were losers.  She wanted to know how she could start telling the good guys from the bad ones.

She wanted to stop her continuous “broken heart syndrome” of liking men who ultimately didn’t turn out to be who she thought they were.

What’s going on here happens everyday in the dating world.  When men and women first meet, both have brought the best of themselves to the dating table.  It’s a little bit like a play where actors are pretending to be someone else.

We all put our best foot forward on a first date because we want to appear wonderful to the person sitting across from us so they will like who we are. So we find ourselves falling in love during those first few dates with that wonderful person we think we are getting to know.

But what’s really happening is we are falling in love with an idea of who we think this man is. And our idea does not necessarily match the reality of the man himself. And that’s when we find ourselves disappointed. Its like we woke up from a dream and found a nightmare staring at us instead.

Let’s face it…anyone can be an actor for an hour, a day and even a couple of weeks or months but no one can sustain first date behavior forever. Over time, our true personalities start coming out and that is what Loretta was seeing with the men she went out with.

You can’t judge a book by its cover. It takes quite a while to be able to figure out who a man really is. But there are signs you can watch for in the behavior he shows you that is going to help you identify the Good Guys from the Not So Good Guys out there.

A Non Quality Man will…
  • Be abrupt with you.  Maybe he cuts you off and doesn’t let you voice your opinions or maybe he totally disregards your feelings.
  • He’s secretive; meaning he purposely avoids answering questions about different parts of his life and you know he’s hiding something but can’t quite put your finger on it.
  • He’s condescending. He is laughing at you – not with you and telling you that you aren’t enough, whether it’s being smart enough or pretty enough or thin enough. He makes you feel not okay about who you are.
  • He’s evasive, which means he’ll change the subject or laugh it off saying we’ll talk about it later but he never does. Frustrating right?
On the other hand, a Quality Man is…
  • Both honest and loyal, wanting to share his life with you.
  • He wants to make you happy and part of that is telling you how wonderful you are and how much you mean to him.
  • He walks his talk, meaning he follows through on whatever he tells you he’ll do to the best of his ability.
  • He’s eager to hear about and be a part of your life.
I hope this guide helps you in the future with the men you meet.  Take it slow and be careful of getting too emotionally attached before you really know who a man is.

Let me know if you’ve ever had a man turn into someone totally different then you thought he was. You can post your comments below.

6 Tips for Dating Over 50 Women

  • Needy’s no good

    If your date is too needy, there’s something wrong. They aren’t interested in a relationship, they’re interested in a fling. That’s fine for some women, but it just isn’t for me. I’m interested in a relationship: getting to know a person and caring about a person and having a pleasant relationship with a person.

  • Be very gracious If you know from the start that you’re not interested in your date, stand up, shake the person’s hand, wish them the best of luck in their dating experiences, and move on. Don’t be embarrassed about doing that. You know whether it’s going to be right or not.
    With a gentleman that I fell madly in love with, a film director, we sat for three hours talking and didn’t want to stop. With another gentleman, Jumpsuit Jim, I think his name is in the book, it was after eleven minutes that I knew, “No, this guy’s not for me,” and I just got up, shook his hand, and wished him the best of luck.

  • Enjoy the difference
    There’s a big difference between dating as a teenager and dating as a vibrant woman. It is much more liberating the second time around. You don’t have to worry about having kids (at least I didn’t), which is a huge relief. And I just feel that I have so much more sexual freedom than when I was younger. I’m not sure why. I adored my husband. We had a great relationship, but the second time around has been much more liberating. It goes back to my savoring every day and having as much fun as I possibly can. And I don’t want you to think that I’m a senior tramp. I’m not. I’ve been very selective in the few men that I’ve had relationships with.

  • Take it slow, but be open to all possibilities
    At some point, when the grieving subsided, I thought, “I can’t imagine ever dating again. I can’t imagine getting naked with another man. I can’t imagine falling in love with someone again.” The thought of getting under the covers with a guy again? Oh, god. You know, my body wasn’t the same — isn’t the same — as what it was when I was 24. And, you know what? You learn that if the love is there, the trust is there, it’s wonderful.
  • Don’t have a sexual encounter until you’re sure you’re ready
    Contrary to popular belief, there’s no “magic date number,” the number of times you go out with someone before they expect sex. That’s a really personal decision, and it’s dependent on the chemistry between two people. In the book, I talk about Stud Muffin One, the first guy who I really had a relationship with after my husband died. I felt guilty holding hands! He was 12 years younger than me, and by the third or fourth date he had other things on his mind. I wasn’t ready, so I broke up with him after about two months of dating.

  • We did get back together again, and the first time I invited him over for dinner, I was no longer the widow virgin. But it’s a very personal decision.
    Be prepared in other ways, too. There are so many STDs out there, just be really, really careful. And trust. You have to know the person enough to trust the person.

  • Trust your gut
    We all have instincts, and you have to follow your instincts and be open to a possibility. I met some wonderful, wonderful guys. I’m still best friends with one guy, Studmuffin Two. We talk all the time and we’re just best friends still, and we always will be. We’re not romantically involved anymore, but it was the beginning of a great friendship. At one point we made a deal to marry one another if we were both single in five years. Well, it’s been longer than five years now, but we still talk about it. That was one of my cougar experiences. He was 11 years younger than myself, which has many, many advantages, and some disadvantages. And the disadvantages are that he had a child to put through college, which is finally graduating this year, but he’s still working, and needs to work and wants to work, so he doesn’t have time for a long-term relationship. He happens to be in the film business and travels a great deal, and will spend three months in Japan and then a month in Paris. It’s hard to cement a long-term relationship when someone’s not there. But who knows what the future will be.

    Dating is better now but if you live in your house and he lives in his, then you can imagine how wonderful is your friendship.   ----- Joan Price

5 Tips For Over 50 Women Date With A New Man

Tip #1 Leave Your Past in the Past

In college, the motto my friends and I always lived by was, “what happens at college stays at college.”  The same goes for your ex on a first date.  Leave him out of the conversation other than to say you were married and divorced. Men consider ex bashing or troubles with the ex too much drama to deal with at this early stage of the dating game.

Tip #2 Don’t Give out Too Much Information about Yourself on a First Date

Often we think we are doing ourselves a favor giving a man too much information about ourselves on a first date so he has it all before he makes up his mind about dating us. First Dates are nothing more then meet and greets to determine if you’d like to get to know each other better.
Plus, information a man can handle further in the dating cycle is totally different then what he wants or needs to know on a first date.  Remember, you are not your problems, so he doesn’t need to know them at this point.

Tip #3 Be Sure Talking is Balanced Between the Two of You

When people are nervous they have a tendency to jibber jabber on and on about themselves to fill the silent gaps.  This doesn’t work well on a date.  In fact, it’s quite boring for the other person listening to the monologue.
Be sure to ask a man a lot of questions.  If you find yourself talking continuously for more then a minute or two without him saying a word, then be aware that you are probably over talking.
A first date is a time for sharing a lot of surface information about your likes and interests on different topics.  Your goal is to find common threads between you to see if you want to take this to a second date.

Tip #4 Be Present During Your Date

Put your cell phone away so you can really engage in a conversation with the man you’re with.  A man wants to feel as if you are interested in getting to know him and that he is more important then anything your phone might be showing you in the moment.  Plus, as we age multitasking is a lot harder to do.  You’ll probably find you didn’t hear a word he said if you’re on your phone, texting during your date. And it’s pretty embarrassing to look up over your reading glasses and say, “Could you please repeat that?”

Tip #5  Put Your Most Feminine Side Forward on that First Date and Let Him Be the Man

We as women are so used to taking care of others and anticipating their needs that we forget and automatically start trying to make life easier for the man sitting across the table from us on a first date. Stop yourself before it starts!
Let him take care of the bad service you are getting or the bad food.  Don’t tell him how he should have handled a situation and for sure don’t criticize him for what he eats or how he walks or talks. If you find you don’t like this man, then walk away.  Don’t settle.  There is someone else out there better suited for you.