Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dating Over 50 Women: How to Stop “Broken Heart Syndrome” From Happening Over and Over Again

If you’re a woman over 50 who finds your heart broken by men over and over again, its time to get rid of them and begin to live a new life from now on.

Loretta was so tired of being disappointed by the men she was dating.  After finding each other online, she met Patrick at a bar for their first date. They’d spend hours laughing on the phone and had such a good time together.
They had a couple of great dates and then… the red flags started popping up everywhere about this man, and the great dating relationship she thought she had began to sour.

Loretta was so frustrated and tired of dating men who were losers.  She wanted to know how she could start telling the good guys from the bad ones.

She wanted to stop her continuous “broken heart syndrome” of liking men who ultimately didn’t turn out to be who she thought they were.

What’s going on here happens everyday in the dating world.  When men and women first meet, both have brought the best of themselves to the dating table.  It’s a little bit like a play where actors are pretending to be someone else.

We all put our best foot forward on a first date because we want to appear wonderful to the person sitting across from us so they will like who we are. So we find ourselves falling in love during those first few dates with that wonderful person we think we are getting to know.

But what’s really happening is we are falling in love with an idea of who we think this man is. And our idea does not necessarily match the reality of the man himself. And that’s when we find ourselves disappointed. Its like we woke up from a dream and found a nightmare staring at us instead.

Let’s face it…anyone can be an actor for an hour, a day and even a couple of weeks or months but no one can sustain first date behavior forever. Over time, our true personalities start coming out and that is what Loretta was seeing with the men she went out with.

You can’t judge a book by its cover. It takes quite a while to be able to figure out who a man really is. But there are signs you can watch for in the behavior he shows you that is going to help you identify the Good Guys from the Not So Good Guys out there.

A Non Quality Man will…
  • Be abrupt with you.  Maybe he cuts you off and doesn’t let you voice your opinions or maybe he totally disregards your feelings.
  • He’s secretive; meaning he purposely avoids answering questions about different parts of his life and you know he’s hiding something but can’t quite put your finger on it.
  • He’s condescending. He is laughing at you – not with you and telling you that you aren’t enough, whether it’s being smart enough or pretty enough or thin enough. He makes you feel not okay about who you are.
  • He’s evasive, which means he’ll change the subject or laugh it off saying we’ll talk about it later but he never does. Frustrating right?
On the other hand, a Quality Man is…
  • Both honest and loyal, wanting to share his life with you.
  • He wants to make you happy and part of that is telling you how wonderful you are and how much you mean to him.
  • He walks his talk, meaning he follows through on whatever he tells you he’ll do to the best of his ability.
  • He’s eager to hear about and be a part of your life.
I hope this guide helps you in the future with the men you meet.  Take it slow and be careful of getting too emotionally attached before you really know who a man is.

Let me know if you’ve ever had a man turn into someone totally different then you thought he was. You can post your comments below.

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